27 July 2023
Repositioning Students as Co-creators: A Reflective Case Study of the ‘Global Classroom for Democracy Innovation’
This case study explores the Global Classroom for Democracy Innovation (GCDI), a virtual exchange program that repositions students as co-creators in the design and implementation process. The GCDI aims to overcome traditional power dynamics and promote inclusive learning environments by involving students in decision-making and facilitation roles. By leveraging design thinking and student-led facilitation, the GCDI fosters critical and inclusive engagement among participants. The study highlights the positive impact of student involvement in project development and the importance of addressing power dynamics in virtual exchanges. The GCDI serves as an example of inclusive and engaging pedagogy in virtual education.
Matthew Michael Wingfield | Post-Doctoral Fellow, Stellenbosch University
Marco Adamovic | Coordinator, Learning and Community, Hart House, University of Toronto
Mukisa Mujulizi | Director, Cape Town Design Nerds
Bettina von Lieres | Assistant Professor, University of Toronto Scarborough
Laurence Piper | Professor, Political Studies at University West, Sweden and University of the Western Cape, South Africa
Jesi Carson | Director, Vancouver Design Nerds
Read the full open-access article here.