Sharing knowledge: Resources, research, and reports

The Cape Town Design Nerds value and work to foster spaces of engagement that are transparent, inclusive, and accessible. We are also constantly learning - from our partners, collaborators, student participants, and each other - and incorporate these insights and experiences into our subsequent projects and scholarship. Below is a compilation of our collective and collaborative learning, including conference presentations, reports, articles, and blog posts. Enjoy!

International collaboration and connections through design thinking: A case study of the GCDI


This paper, co-written by Matthew Wingfield, Jesi Carson, Mukisa Mujulizi, Bettina von Lieres, Marco Adamovic, Laurence Piper, and Wilma Lundqvist Westin, is based on the collaborative development of the Global Classroom for Democracy Innovation (GCDI), and its month-long virtual pilot workshop, the Climate Change Design Jam.

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“Design Justice” and the Textures of Transformation at ISSOTL 2023


A blog post by Global Classroom co-founders Matthew Wingfield, Mukisa Mujulizi, and Jesi Carson detailing the in-person workshop which they hosted at the 2023 International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (ISSOTL) conference, and co-authored by Bettina von Lieres, Marco Adamovic, and Laurence Piper.

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Teaching Anthropology Network (TAN) Conference 2023


Matthew Wingfield and Mukisa Mujulizi attended the September 2023 TAN conference on “New normalities? Rethinking educational practices in times of crisis and challenge”. They presented a paper titled "Pedagogical power dynamics seen from the South: A case study of the Global Classroom for Democracy Innovation".

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ISSOTL 2023: Critical analysis of design thinking as a transformative pedagogical tool


Global Classroom co-founders Matthew Wingfield, Mukisa Mujulizi, and Jesi Carson hosted an in-person workshop session at the 2023 International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (ISSOTL) conference. ISSOTL 2023 was hosted by Utrecht University in the Netherlands, on the theme “Context Matters”. Bettina von Lieres, Marco Adamovic, and Laurence Piper co-authored this piece.

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Repositioning Students as Co-creators: A Reflective Case Study of the ‘Global Classroom for Democracy Innovation’


This case study explores the Global Classroom for Democracy Innovation (GCDI), a virtual exchange programme that repositions students as co-creators in the design and implementation process.

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Pedagogical power dynamics seen from the South: A case study of the Global Classroom for Democracy Innovation


Matthew Wingfield and Mukisa Mujulizi attended the 2023 South African Sociological Association (SASA) conference, where they presented a paper titled "Pedagogical power dynamics seen from the South: A case study of the Global Classroom for Democracy Innovation".

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GCDI: Designing Democratic Sustainability Summary Report


The Global Classroom for Democracy Innovation (GCDI) team compiled a summary report on the September - October 2022 Designing Democratic Sustainability Design Jam, which incorporates extensive student participant feedback and organisers’ insights.

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First International Work Integrated Learning (WIL) Conference 2022


Laurence Piper and Bettina von Lieres presented ‘Learning to become change agents through international collaboration: insights and challenges from the Global Classroom Initiative’ at the First International WIL Conference held in Trollhättan, Sweden, 7-9 December 2022.

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International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL) 2022 Conference Presentation


Members of the GCDI team met in-person for the first time when they co-presented at the 2022 International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning conference in Kelowna, BC, Canada.

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GCDI: Climate Change Design Jam Summary Report


The Global Classroom for Democracy Innovation (GCDI) team compiled a summary report on the March 2022 Climate Change Design Jam, which incorporates extensive student participant feedback and organisers’ insights.

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The Unbounded Global Classroom


Global Classroom for Democracy Innovation co-founder Bettina von Lieres presented on the project’s work at Simon Fraser University’s (SFU) Unbounded Classroom Symposium.

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Global Classroom: Food Security Design Jam Project Analysis


The Vancouver Design Nerds prepared a detailed post-event analysis of the first Global Classroom Design Jam.

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