3 November 2021

The Unbounded Global Classroom

GCDI co-founder Bettina von Lieres presented at The Unbounded Classroom: A Symposium on Teaching, Learning and Research for Democratic Participation. She introduced the Global Classroom as a response to the crisis of democracy, and a need for student engagement, connection, and agency across global contexts.

This symposium hosted scholars and education practitioners who are deeply committed to university learning, teaching, and research that articulates, strengthens, and sustains democratic principles and practices in education. Panelists reflected on the concept of the “unbounded classroom”, and the implications of expansive and consequential approaches to university teaching and to the activation of knowledge for a democratic society. The symposium connected over 100 university scholars and practitioners on the cutting edge of pedagogical invention, revision, elaboration, and disruption in higher learning.

This series of roundtable discussions took place over three half-days with a core group of invited scholars and practitioners from diverse disciplines all sharing an interest in, and commitment to, university teaching that engages and guides students in democratic participation. These interests include curricular design, pedagogical purposes and goals, pedagogical skill and efficacy, and broad structural/institutional support for the achievement of the goals of democratic education.  

Students, academics, and practitioners with an interest in democratic education attended as audience members to engage with the panelists, share knowledge, and deepen the conversation.

Watch Bettina’s presentation “The Unbounded Global Classroom” at 1:50:40.